I'm Excited to Meet You!

Over the past two decades, I have distinguished myself with my ability to develop and execute high-impact marketing campaigns across multiple channels that increase conversion rates and attract new customers.

After starting on my personal development journey, I grew more passionate about helping coaches to make a big impact on their clients as my coach had done for me.

After working for Mary Morrissey's Brave Thinking Institute, I further developed my skills in building large campaigns to attract the right clients for the right coaches.

My contribution to my field has earned me multiple accolades, including the National Association of Professional Women's Woman of the Year in 2013 and the 40 Under 40 Trailblazer Award in the same year. I also received the PCSN Lyn & Buzz Burr Excellence in Communication award in 2012 for my publication, Eventful Magazine, and was named Putnam County Female Entrepreneur of the Year in 2011.

Now, I am passionate about living my best life and helping others to make a big impact in the world.

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